
Monday, March 19, 2012

DIY Playground #2: 'PlayHive' Playhouse by thoughtbarn

Austin, Texas based design studio thoughtbarn constructed an artful playhouse based on a beehive for a wildfire benefit in their city.  Their unique construction, which children can not only play in but also climb around on both inside and out, requires only 2x4s, a drill and a chopsaw (and some patience, but don't all good things?)  And now full plans are available for download to Playscapes readers!

Licensed once again by a Creative Commons non-commercial attribution, so do please give credit and don't attempt to make money off this, amazing as it is.  To help you on your way, there are additional photos of construction and installation at the thoughtbarn blog and the thoughtbarn flickr page

Once again, all I ask is that you send me pics of your very own Playhives, and leave thank-yous for the great folks at thoughtbarn.  Think of the Playhive combined with the terrain and planting suggestions from space2place....amazing.  Go out and make a playscape!


  1. Wow, wow, wow!!! I love, love, love the hive. Add that to my wish list!!!

  2. I've seen this idea done before as an art installment and was going to build a larger adult size one. I like the outside steps.

    Make no money off of it? Which part, the idea or the published plans? I've thought offering to build hives for others but are you saying I can't charge for it now?

  3. Nope, you can't charge for something based on this PlayHive plan. It belongs to thoughtbarn.

  4. I love this hive and the other ideas featured here-plants for play etc. I am trying to adapt some of these ideas for our deck as we are city dwellers without a yard but want our kids to have a natural play experience too! Any ideas?
    ps the anti-robot thing took me 4 tries and I am human and 35- it is really fuzzy I hope no one over the age of 50 or needing glasses tries to comment!

  5. I am in the midst of building one now...decided to use pressure treated wood and deck screws, ordered 50 2x4's and some 2x12's from lowes and they even delivered for a small fee. It is so easy once you get started, if you have a router with a router table, it is even easier, just zip all the pieces through it. My kids have already started playing on it and I am only on the 16th level. For my kids, this is so much better than those expensive play sets.

  6. Do please send photos Nick! Yours may be the first one to be finished...I'd love to post it.

  7. I am almost done with the play hive and the kids already love it! Up to level 38, only have the 7" pieces left. I sent some pictures to your email address.

  8. I'm so excited to get started on this, although I'm thinking of doing it a little bit bigger and making it around the base of our cherry tree. I've always wanted to have a playhouse up in the tree but this would be a great transition. If we finish it up I'll of course send pics. Thanks for the plans and for your whole blog!

  9. for those that have started completed this - did you use 2" screws or 2 1/2 for joining the 2x4s together? the plans say 2", but that seems small to join 2 2x4s? thanks!

  10. How do I upload a photo? This thing is so rad. I found that the steps were a little crowded when climbing up the inside, so around row 29 I just started going straight up, like a beaker/reactor, and ending up with a cool turret/look-out on top. I also built a curved piece from the 2x12 to go over the doorway and support the structure in front better. Thanks so much for sharing!

  11. Chris, the plans say 3" screws, but 2 1/2" works out okay.

  12. Hi Gabriel,
    Send photos to me at the email on the blog; I'm hoping to do a round up of all those who have made them for an upcoming posts!

  13. This is fantastic. Thanks so much for taking he time/effort to post the build details.

    With three kids, I'd need to build a bigger one. Has anyone tried doubling these specs? I'm no mathematician, so no idea how this would affect angles/etc...

    I'd love any input anyone may have. This would be a great summer project for me and the kiddos. Thanks!

  14. About how tall is the playhive? I am considering building it for my kids and I would like to know at what age they will probably outgrow it. Thanks!

  15. Hi guys, I'm in the process of building my playhive down here in Australia. It's a 3/4 size hive as the original was a bit large for our purpose. And the wood here is sooo expensive! I'm making mine from 35x70x200mm for the base layer, 15mm shorter blocks for each layer as we go up. I'm going to leave the 6th later off so that the whole at the top is big enough for the kids to climb through. Mine should measure 1400mm (4.5ft) tall when it's done. Awesome design, it's everything I'd been looking for in a play structure for our back yard! I'll email some build photos soon:) Paul

  16. Hi guys, I'm in the process of constructing my playhive down here in Australia! The design is awesome and and everything I'd been looking for in a climbing structure for our back yard and huge thanks for the detailed plans:)
    I've scaled mine down to 3/4 size though as the original plans are a little large for our purpose. I'm using 35x70 pine. The first layer blocks are 200mm, 15mm shorter for each consecutive layer. I'm only going to use 5 layers though as I want the top to be big enough for the kids to climb through. It should measure 1400mm (4.5ft) tall when it's done. Can't wait to see it finished! I'll email some photos of the build soon. Paul.

  17. My husband and I are going to start this project this summer for our son! How long did this take those who built it? I would love to stain the hive and paint the steps. Did anyone do that, and how much time did it add? We would love to have it done by his first birthday next month but I'm thinking I may be unrealistic. Thanks in advance!
