
Monday, October 27, 2008

Playscape, London, Groundwork, 2007

In London at the moment, so posting some UK-based projects...

This playscape, by Groundwork West London, won both RHS Gold and the BBC Peoples Choice awards at the 2007 Hampton Court Palace Flower Show.

"The joy of designing landscapes, particularly public ones," principal Adam White says, "is you never know who the end user might be – children, teenagers, families, pensioners, office workers, joggers and dog walkers. "

"Groundwork playscape sits somewhere between traditional playground design and the play value of climbing in fallen trees.”
The space includes a sculpted landform with tunnels, a climbing structure with poles and nets, an Archimedes screw for water play, scattered climbing boulders, and 'play' plantings: chestnut trees for conkers, daisy lawns for making daisy chains, dandelions for blowing wishes into the wind, and willow for weaving and mazes.
"Playscape" has since been reinstalled in the London borough of Ealing.


  1. more lovely posts...have you been to the princess Diana memorial playground in kensington gardens....pretty good. Also just did a post about a playground photo that inspired me....thought you might be interested

  2. hi- last comment was from rochelle at studio g -- the post is here...
