
Saturday, September 25, 2010

More rubrics...Design for Play!

Another helpful playground rubric is the set of ten design principals offered by the organization Play England in their publication "Design for Play: A guide to creating successful play spaces", by Aileen Shackell, Nicola Butler, Phil Doyle, and David Ball.

Successful Play Spaces:

1. are 'bespoke'

2. are well-located

3. make use of natural elements

4. provide a wide range of play opportunities

5. are accessible to both disabled and non-disabled children

6. meet community needs

7. allow children of different ages to play together

8. build in opportunities to experience risk and challenge

9. are sustainable and appropriately maintained

10. allow for change and evolution

The Design for Play document illustrates each design principle with further explanation and illustrative photos...many of natural playgrounds recently constructed in the UK, as excerpted here.  A must read!


  1. How can I contribut with some photos to your blog?

  2. Hi Carlos,
    Just send an email to arcady at cox dot net.
