
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Construction of the Turtle Rock Preschool Natural Playground, Irvine California, 2012

Natural playground makers will also enjoy this time-lapse video of the construction of the playscape at Turtle Rock preschool in Orange County California.

Natural Playground Construction Timelapse from Turtle Rock Preschool on Vimeo.

I love construction videos!  And do you notice how the most important piece of this project is the creation of the topography...a large central hill and some additional slopes and gullies on a small--and previously flat--site?  All the other play features are enabled by the topography.

All together now:  Playgrounds-should-not-be-flat.  Playgrounds-should-not-be-flat.  Playgrounds. Should. Not. Be. Flat.

Or, as I said in my talk on playground trends at last week's London Open for Play event:  "hills are the new swings!" 


  1. I love it. It's beautiful. But how do you mow it with the steep hills and large rocks in the grass? I'm not trying to be a downer, I just want to know for my own yard!

  2. Fair point! I can't say for sure by I would imagine a combination of careful selection of grass type (i.e., nothing that spreads by rampant runners like bermuda) and the use of a trimmer.

    There are commercial mowers designed for slopes, but they probably wouldn't work in a small space such as this nursery.
