
Monday, April 4, 2011

Do you recognize these photos?

If you've followed playscapes very long then you do....the German periodical Baunetz Woche has just done a special issue on playgrounds.  It includes a page of 'retro' photographs, as well as an 'image of the week'...all of which have been previously featured on this blog...the ONLY place most of these images can be found outside of archives.   And they've shamelessly used them all without crediting playscapes as the source.

I've grown accustomed to the use of a few photographs, or of site ideas, from the blog without credit; usually by people who are probably just thoughtless though occasionally in newspapers as well. But this wholesale use-without-attribution, from a large mainstream publication that knows the definition of plagiarism, is really upsetting.

I suppose the blog has become well-known enough to be a resource to other writers, but not so well-known as to make them worry about any repercussions from their blatant 'borrowing'. 

[If you'd like to express displeasure to Baunetz, their contact form is here:].  It's in German, but pretty self-explanatory.  I wrote to them in English.]

UPDATE:  Baunetz Woche has updated their site to credit playscapes.  Thanks to those of you who contacted them on my behalf!


  1. Bad. Bad. Bad. Will write the Germans today. I always thought they had a stiffer moral compass on plagarism than us casual Americans. Guess not.

  2. That's terrible! Have you heard back from them yet?

  3. I'm glad they decided to credit you, or I would have been temped to mail them a poopy diaper.
