
Monday, August 22, 2011

Henry Mitchell Play Sculpture, Philadelphia, 1955

According to the sculptor's website, this was originally in a playground at Bustleton and Magee streets, and Mitchell did more playground installations in the city, though this is the only photograph I could find.  Any information from my Philadelphia readers?

Also if you haven't stopped by the Forum lately (get there via the header at the top of the blog page), please note a playground internship opportunity, and an interesting query from Michel who is seeking to combine elements of farming and play at an orphanage in Africa.  And New Zealand artist Amy Church is seeking a play internship in another part of the world..."I think that if amazing scenes can be dreamed up for movies and exhibitions why not for playgrounds too."  I so agree!

Thanks to my twitter compatriot Nadia, the list of playground conferences and gatherings has been updated...if you know of others please add to the list.


  1. Giraffe is still at Max Myers Playground and is visible on Google Maps.

    You can see some photographs of Giraffe and other Henry Mitchell Philadelphia sculptures at Philadelphia Public Art. (Click on the thumbnails to enlarge.)

    I also found a couple of photographs of Giraffe on flickr: first and second.

    Of all of Henry Mitchell's public sculptures in Philadelphia, Giraffe is the only one that is in a playground.

  2. Thanks for the research Yischon! This is great additional information.
