
Friday, February 3, 2012

More Playful Knitting: Giant Knitting Nancy, Superblue Design, London, 2010

For those of you who loved the post about Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam's crochet playground  here is a Giant Knitting Nancy constructed by Superblue Design in collaboration with Dan Preston (Sculptor) and Holly Packer (Jewelery Designer) for the London Festival of Architecture in 2010. 

Inspired by the knitting toy of the same name, Superblue's vision was to allow visitors to participate in the making of the installation and over the weeks of the festival more than one hundred people added dozens of meters to the structure.

My one disappointment is that this was viewed more as a piece for sitting than for playing, though I suppose that's up to the visitors, who seem to be generally above the target age of playgrounds.  But I'd love to see this in a children's play space; it was, in fact, subsequently installed on the beach at Margate, where it was popular for picnics. 

There are also some great additional pictures of Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam's Woods of Net playsculpture  here, for more textile-art-on-the-playground inspiration.

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