
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dear readers,

I have just checked the end-of-year stats; 60,000 visits since March. While those are far from google-ey statistics, they are a pleasant surprise for a blog started mostly on a whim and an unwillingness to file away any more lovely playground ideas to an unseen 'favorites' list. I thought a blog would at least keep them all in one visible place and maybe they would be useful to someone else, too. It appears that they have, and I thank you.

Many best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous and playful New Year,



  1. Thank you, too. My work only touches on parks peripherally, but when it does, I turn to this site for inspiration. And when work doesn't deal with parks, I still turn to this site for inspiration of how much better things can be. Happy New Year!

  2. Playful and peaceful New Year Dear Arcady :)

    ... and thanks, really thanks for share!!!

  3. Keep up the great work!

  4. Wow and thank you. Hopefully there are plenty of city planners, mayors, etc. in those numbers.

    If you ever got crazy ambitious you could put all these awesome playgrounds up on google earth.

  5. I love this blog! Keep up the good work. Someday I hope to use this blog as inspiration to make my own private playground (should have children first I suppose, though not manditory).

  6. this blog is fantastic. keeping childhood dreams alive
