
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Playscapes Twitters!

So by now you've probably noticed the new twitter box in the sidebar, hosted by Nadia.  One of the great things about meeting some of my readers at the London playground chat and through the blog birthday is that a couple of people have actually offered to help out, which is fabulous!   Twittering is just something I can't fit into my life at this point, so Nadia, who has just completed an amazing dissertation on the playability of public space for her MSc in Spatial Planning (which will be covered more on the blog later!)  has stepped in to tweet out things that don't quite make it to the blog's front page, or don't fall within my focus on the built environment of play, but are still of interest to playground people...follow @nadiaplayscapes for follow-ups to existing posts, alerts to new topics in the forum, and play-related news!

[image borrowed from Hitchcock's The Birds, which is not a happy scene on the playground but seemed to suit this post...I hope there will be a lively (and not at all sinister) group of playscapers on twitter!]

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