
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

'Magic Mountain' Rollercoaster climber, Heike Mutter and Ulrich Genth, Duisburg, Germany, 2011

German artists Heike Mutter and Ulrich Genth installed an elevated walking path, a frozen roller coaster track that loops to 147 feet above the landscape on a hill in Duisburg Germany.  I love roller coasters, and often look over at the maintenance staircase next to the tracks and wonder what it would be like to climb instead of ride.  Now we know, except for the loop-the-loop of course.  


  1. Are intriped and brave adults allowed to try and scale the loop?

  2. From the description it seems that the coaster can be entered at either end, but the middle is closed by the loop.

  3. Hmm... it's certainly visually striking, and any child would want to climb on board. But I reckon many would get fed up before too long. Plus, presumably everyone has to turn around at the loop, and retrace their steps. Not fun! I've been on a few treetop walkways with kids, and they have been an underwhelming experience.
    PS looking forward to seeing you on Saturday!

  4. It is quite beautiful, especially lit up. I agree with the previous poster that kids may get tired of it. It would be even more amazing if the loop was assessable through a tunnel or closed tube structure. Thanks for posting!
