
Friday, January 20, 2012

Monster Footprints Playground, MAD Architects, Shenzhen China, 2009

I get tired of the default to poured-in-place safety surfacing, but this playscape by MAD architects puts it to creative use--making two monster-sized footprints in the middle of Shenzhen’s Citizen’s Square. 

Their careful topography allows for a surprising range of play within a single feature, from solitary musings at the edge of the space to raucous, unpredictable ball games on the puckelball-like 'pitch' of the monstrous prints.

This was a temporary installation for the 2009 Shenzhen & Hong Kong Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism...I wish it could have stayed1

[via archdaily]

1 comment:

  1. I agree. What a crying shame this is not permanent. I think this rubber surfacing has so much potential for creative work but thus far its application has been mundane at best.

    Drainage would have been an interesting issue for this feature but I am sure easy to over come with some careful planning.

    Keep up the good work Arcady. Always interesting and inspiring.

